Asphalt mortar for small asphalt work
BITUREP® E is a multi-component repair compound based on minerals, cement and bitumen emulsion


BITUREP® E is a bitumen emulsion-based asphalt mix that can be processed cold for the rehabilitation of damaged asphalt surfaces. It is also used to fill potholes, pits and bumps in asphalt and concrete surfaces. A level adjustment for inlets or manhole covers is possible. The mineral component 0/5 mm allows the production of repair asphalt up to a thickness of 1.5 cm.


The substrate to be treated must be clean, free of oil and grease and stable. Avoid standing water. At higher temperatures, we recommend moistening the underlay. The components are delivered in separate containers. After adding the cement, add 2 liters of water (at temperatures above 25°C 3 liters) to the mineral mixture using a trowel or shovel. Then the emulsion can be added to the mineral. The emulsion should be shaken before use. The components should be mixed intensively until a uniform brown color is obtained. A mixing process longer than 2 minutes should be avoided due to the short processing time. The BITUREP® E is placed in the prepared indentation, scraped off with a shovel or trowel with light pressure and a slight elevation (2 - 5 mm).


With an average installation thickness of 1cm = approx. 25 kg/m³

form of delivery
grit item number pack size Crowd 1. Palette
0/3 154019 22 kg, bucket 12 264 kg
0/5 154020 22 kg, bucket 12 264 kg

Approx. 4 months - store frost-free. The mineral should be protected from direct sunlight

Special hint

BITUREP® E should not be processed below 5°C or in the rain, and never on a frozen surface. Depending on the temperature, the mixed material must be within

5-15 minutes to process. Before opening to traffic, depending on the weather from approx. 30 minutes, it is advisable to sprinkle the repair area with crushed sand 0/2 mm

Please note that the information in this publication corresponds to our current knowledge. Due to the large number of possible influences when processing and using our products, they do not release the processor from carrying out his own tests. A legally binding assurance of certain properties or the suitability for a specific purpose cannot be derived from our information. Existing laws and regulations are the responsibility of the recipient of our products.

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